AYUDH Mindfulness

Weekly Wellness Challenges

Each week, all AYUDH Americas members (“AYUDHians”) will collectively work towards completing a wellness challenge on their own. 

We know things can get busy with school, work, and life in general, but we’ve created these initiatives to be done by any AYUDHian from anywhere at any time, making it convenient for you!

What are the wellness challenges?

Beginning in November, this will be a month-to-month initiative with different mindfulness challenges weekly. Each challenge begins on Sunday, with social media check-ins throughout the week via Instagram Stories and WhatsApp.

That being said, we encourage this to be an ongoing personal commitment. The results you will get out of it are dependent on how much effort you choose to put in! Take things at the pace you feel comfortable with and dial in when it resonates with you.

Challenge Schedule for November

  • WEEK 1 - UNPLUG: Spend one hour off of social media each day.

  • WEEK 2 - TRANQUILITY: Do yoga, meditation, chanting, or a spiritual practice of your choice daily.

  • WEEK 3 - EQUANIMITY: Regulate your emotions; take a resolve to not get angry, irritated, or upset.

  • WEEK 4 - CHANGE FOR CHANGE: Reduce excess consumption through mindful spending practices and donations to charity.