With AYUDH Give, we saw 9 local chapters across the Americas come together to collect food, clothing, and hygiene products to distribute to local charities, serving communities, families, and individuals in need.

We ended up collecting over 3400 items and raising over $1500 dollars in 2024.


AYUDH Relief

With AYUDH Relief, we raised money across our national chapters for disaster relief, with bake sales, garage sales, hydroponics, and more.

Our young members raised over $2900 for disaster relief with their efforts.


AYUDH Mindfulness

With all of us on various social media platforms, and working our jobs or juggling school and studying - it can be tough to stay mindful and keep ourselves in a relaxed state.

AYUDH Mindfulness was started to give young people a chance to unplug and connect with themselves and others on a deeper level every week. The “challenges” included spending an hour off our devices, doing yoga or meditation, watching our thoughts, and reducing our consumption - to name a few.


AYUDH Reflect

AYUDH Reflect has been an ongoing initiative where young people from across the country meet with Br. Ramandamrita Chaitanya to discuss topics such as self-confidence, dealing with stress, handling a large workload effectively, peer pressure, and much more.

The sessions take place once a month and include a discussion with Br. Ramandamrita Chaitanya, a short meditation, a bhajan, breakout rooms where young people can discuss, and games at the end. For more information on how to join, visit www.ayudh.org/reflect.