supporting our most vulnerable

To help address elders' and children’s loneliness in nursing homes and hospitals, we are launching an Americas-wide effort for our chapters to provide emotional support to our country’s most vulnerable by visiting Nursing homes and Children’s Hospitals.

AYUDH is setting a collective goal to plan to visit these centers in our local communities at at least one location by April 16th. 

Want to get involved?

Chapters are welcome to visit a nursing home and/or a children’s hospital. Chapters are encouraged to plan an event (singing concert, game night, etc.) and if possible to bring in baked goods, cards, candy, or anything that might uplift community members' spirits! As always we encourage individuals to lead this project with friends or family regardless of whether you are located near an AYUDH chapter.

Communicate with your local chapter and decide on which hospitals and or nursing homes to visit.

  1. Decide on what activity you want to do at the center.

  1. Call your local nursing home or children’s hospital and plan a date for your visit.

    1. Ask if your chapter can plan a visit and offer options (game night, singing, stand-up) 

    2. Ask about COVID restrictions

    3. For children’s hospitals ask about visitor safety precautions

    4. Optional: Ask if you can bring in baked goods, candy, cards, etc.

      1. Ask for safety precautions, allergens, etc.

    5. Confirm a date and time for your chapter's visit

  2. Prepare your activities.

    1. Plan your activity

      1. Singing:

        1. Make sure some singers are available

        2. Plan on instrument players

        3. Decide songs, and create a song lyric document to share

        4. Will you use props?

      2. Game night

        1. Ask the nursing home if they already have bingo or other games, and offer to bring prizes

        2. Who will bring the games? Who will teach game instructions?

      3. Look in the “Additional Ideas” section and decide if you can implement those! Get creative too!

  3. Take photos, spread positivity, and connect with local community members at the event!