Don’t Miss our upcoming events! Click below for information on our Regional Retreats! or For Details of Amma’s upcoming north america tour!
We are an international youth movement mobilizing young people to lead in perpetuating natural harmony, social justice, and community empowerment.
With over 20 chapters across the Americas, our AYUDH Americas youth create, design, and implement comprehensive initiatives towards building a sustainable future. We do this by creating compassionate leaders with a sense of tolerance, solidarity and global responsibility. AYUDH Americas is the youth movement of Embracing the World, an international non-governmental organization with consultative status to the United Nations that was founded by renowned spiritual and humanitarian leader Mata Amritanandamayi (affectionately known as Amma).

AYUDH America strives to promote a community of young people, who aspire to cultivate in themselves spirituality according to the universal values of love, compassion, tolerance, unity in diversity, and respect, as taught by Amma. These young people thereby wish to commit themselves for the good of their fellow women and men and the environment. The active participation in the network is independent of gender, nationality, religion, sexual orientation or social status.